A Starting Point


This post is just a bit about where I'm at currently with my fitness/ health, as well as my 'history' I guess you could call it? Basically just what I'm eating and how I'm exercising and how I got to where I am now.

So... I was never really a sporty child or teenager and didn't really like any kind of exercise (even my mum will tell you I never really ran around as a child!!) but I was always quite slim, especially in my teenage years. When I was about 16-17 I became a bit more aware of what I was eating and how much exercise I was getting. I didn't have the best relationship with food or my body at this point, despite being slim; I still don't now but it has much improved and I feel I've come a long way since then. This was around the time I started to think about vegetarianism and started drinking soya milk. I'll be the first to admit that this way of thinking about eating wasn't necessarily solely because of not wanting to harm animals or the environment or because of health reasons (the reasons I'm currently pescetarian) and were more relating to the weight loss benefits.

I played around with vegetarianism and went through phases of attempting to cut out meat. However, firstly, I never did the research necessary to become vegetarian healthily or in a way that was enjoyable and subsequently, wasn't successful. And, secondly, everyone in my family eats meat and, at that point, my parents were cooking my meals and understandably didn't want to cook me a separate meal (they didn't object to me being vegetarian though and were happy for me to be cooking my own meals if I wanted to). Fast forward to two years ago, I moved out for uni (and met my boyfriend who is pescetarian too) and was cooking my own meals and so decided to become fully pescetarian; I haven't eaten meat for two years now and only eat fish occasionally, attempting to ensure the fish I do eat is sustainable. I really enjoy eating healthily and finding and making foods that are nutritious, wholesome and as unprocessed as possible but also tasty! I feel like pescetarianism works well for me and my body and, because of effective research (which I thoroughly recommend before changing your diet), I haven't found it hard to stick to this way of eating and enjoy it, generally not having any cravings for meat. Health is the most important thing for me in terms of my diet and will always be; for that reason, if my health were to change in a negative way as a result of my being pescetarian, I would encorporate meat back into my diet. I would obviously, first attempt to maintain my health without meat though!

Okay, ramble about food over (I could talk for hours about food!) and onto the exercise ramble...

I started working out about five years ago and, in those five years, have only really done bodyweight exercises- with the exception of incorporating two 5lb dumbbells- at home. I did join a gym for around six months but then became a student nurse and sadly lacked the money to afford to go :(
I did Blogilates (on YouTube) workouts (and still do, especially for ab workouts) for half an hour, six times a week. I only really cared about abs to start with and becoming more 'toned' and found these pilates-based workouts effective for the type of body I wanted. However, I started noticing a plateau (which is normal if you do the same workouts for 5 years!!). I found Sarahsday on YouTube and encorporated her 15 minute HIIT workouts; she has made four all together and I really like the abs and full body ones- they get you SO sweaty! I noticed my body changing again, as well as my fitness levels because of the HIIT aspect really increasing my heart rate. I still do those workouts but, more recently, I've changed what I want from my workouts, wanting to build a lot more muscle and gain strength, rather than just wanting to 'get toned and be slim'. And this is where I am currently; attempting to grow more muscle, ensuring I'm getting enough macronutrients in, and increasing my strength.

Ramble completely over... not sure this made any sense and to be honest only really skims my fitness and nutrition history and journey and doesn't include A LOT of information, but it's already too long... so I'll leave it at that :)

The Fit Nurse
