A Starting Point
Hi! This post is just a bit about where I'm at currently with my fitness/ health, as well as my 'history' I guess you could call it? Basically just what I'm eating and how I'm exercising and how I got to where I am now. So... I was never really a sporty child or teenager and didn't really like any kind of exercise (even my mum will tell you I never really ran around as a child!!) but I was always quite slim, especially in my teenage years. When I was about 16-17 I became a bit more aware of what I was eating and how much exercise I was getting. I didn't have the best relationship with food or my body at this point, despite being slim; I still don't now but it has much improved and I feel I've come a long way since then. This was around the time I started to think about vegetarianism and started drinking soya milk. I'll be the first to admit that this way of thinking about eating wasn't necessarily solely because of not wanting to harm ani...